XMod Constants

New to Version 4.0: XMod Constants can also be used in display templates.

New In Version 2.0: These are functions built into XMod that provide your forms with additional data about their environment. You use them like you would variables and parameters by means of placeholders - e.g. {XMOD_functionname}. When the form is created, all the placeholders will be replaced by their run-time values. You can use these constants in the form controls or you can assign them as variable values or parameter default values. These dynamic values should not be used when naming controls, variables, or parameters as XMod requires unique, static names for these items.


IMPORTANT: XMod Constants are case-sensitive.



New to Version 3.0

New to Version 3.2

New to Version 4.5


New to Version 4.7


New to Version 5.1


New to Version 5.5 


There are numerous ways you might choose to use these constants. A few that come to mind are:




<form format="custom">



      <!--Everything in here is HTML -->

      <table style="border: 1px blue solid; width=400px;">


  <td><h2>Welcome To My Custom Form</h2></td>



      <table width="400" cellpadding="3">


          <td style="background-color:maroon; color:white;" colspan="2">

            Current Time: {XMOD_Now: dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm}




          <td style="background-color:maroon; color:white;">

            Your Name:</td>



            <input ref="UserName" width="250px" class="NormalTextBox">

              <label>Your Name</label>







    <hidden ref="UserIP">{XMOD_UserHostAddress}</hidden>

    <redirect target="/Default.aspx?tabid={XMOD_HomeTabId}" />

