How Do I... Create A Form

What Is A Form and Why Do I Need One?

Like all applications, the solution you create with XMod is going to need some way for you and your users to get data into the system. As with most applications, this is handled via a data-entry form. A form contains text an input controls such as text boxes, list boxes, and buttons that provide your users a mechanism for entering their data.


The data-entry form is the center of your application. It determines what data will be collected and specifies the names you'll give each field in the record. When you go to display your data, you'll be referring to the field names you create in your forms.


Three Kinds of Forms

As of XMod 4, there are 3 types of forms you can create:


 In this example, though, we'll be creating a simple Auto-Layout form.


Let's take a look at a basic XMod form to see just how simple it can be to create. Along the way, we'll describe a number of features and provide explanations for a number of aspects and facets of XMod forms and form controls. The form we'll create will collect the First and Last Name of the user as well as their favorite color. At run-time, the form will look like this:


A basic data-entry form.


What Are Form Definitions?

Behind-the-scenes, this form has been created by a form definition, which is a simple XML file that describes each control on the form. Before your eyes glaze over, the XML used by XMod is very basic and simple. You have tags that correspond to a type of control. For instance, the <input> tag will generate a text box. These tags also have properties (also called attributes) that customize the look and behavior of the control such as the width, whether the control is read-only, and much more.


The good news is that, as of XMod 4, you don't have to manually type out these form definitions for XMod's main controls. XMod 4 supplies control "designers" that allow you to fill out a form and XMod will generate the code for you. Even so, to get the most out of XMod, it helps to understand what a form definition is, and how XMod uses them to generate forms. At first glance, a form definition may seem complicated, but it is really pretty simple. Once you get past the format, you'll find that all you're doing is describing your form by using tags and those tags' properties to describe controls like text boxes, radio button lists, and more.


Let's Get Started

  1. If you haven't done so already, add an XMod module instance to a page. Make sure you're logged-in as an Administrator or Host.

  2. From the module's Actions Menu, select Manage Forms. This is where you add, edit, and delete your data-entry forms.
    Actions Menu: Manage Forms

  3. Next you'll see the main Manage Forms panel. Select the Create New Form option and click the Create New Form link.
    Manage Forms Main Page

  4. The next panel is the Form Settings and Permissions panel. Here, type Simple Form for form name. The panel should default to the correct values for the other items: Ensure Auto-Layout is selected for Form Type, make sure Only Allow One Record Per User is unchecked, and ensure that No Approval Needed is selected for Item Approval. Then click the Next>> link to go to the form editor.



The Form Editor


The Form Editor panel is where you'll do most of your work. For details on each part of the editor, refer to the Manage Forms help topic.  Inside the editing area, you'll see a basic starter form. Between the <controls> and </controls> tags is where your control tags will go.


  1. Delete the comments that appear between the <controls> and </controls> tags and place your cursor where you want the text box control to go. In this case, it's between the <controls> </controls> tags:
    Cursor Between Controls tags

  2. The first control we want to add is a text box for entering a First Name. From the Form Controls... drop-down list box, select Text Box:
    Form controls list box, text box selected

  3. The Text Box Tag Designer will pop-up. Enter FirstName (without spaces) for Control ID, First Name (with a space) for Label. For this first control, we're not going to specify any other properties to keep things simple. When you're done, click the Create Tag link.
    Text box tag designer
  4. The editor should now contain the following text.
    Simple form with FirstName text box defined
  5. The perfectionists out there will notice the indentation is slightly off. The computer doesn't care about the extra spacing (or lack of spacing). It won't affect the functioning of the form. However, having nice, indented code does help us humans better follow and understand the code. For that purpose, the editor provides a Format tool (shown below). Click that and your form will be more properly indented (as show below).

    Form properly indented.
  6. So, let's analyze our form a bit. The designer has created an opening <input> tag and a closing </input> tag. This tag will tell XMod to create a text box.
    First Name Text Box
    The <input> tag also contains a
    ref (which stands for reference) property. This is the Control ID we entered: FormName . It's a required value but it isn't visible to the user. It is used internally by XMod so that it can identify and work with the control. The value here must be unique within the form. If we were to create another control with a ref of "FirstName", we would receive an error.

    In the above image, there is also the
    First Name caption. This is the value we entered for "Label". If you look at the code that was generated for us, you'll see <label>First Name</label>  inside the <input> </input> tag pair. This makes the <label> tag a child tag of the <input> tag. Most XMod form controls require that you provide a label.
  7. Now, let's create the Last Name text box. First, place your cursor after the </input> tag for the First Name text box.
  8. For the Last Name control, we'll add a few extra properties. As before, select Text Box from the Form Controls... drop-down list box. This will bring up the Text Box tag designer. Fill in the properties as you see them below then click the Create Tag link.
  9. To keep things clear and organized, we'll run the Format tool again. After doing so, you're code will look like this:
     <input ref="FirstName">
       <label>First Name</label>
    <input ref="LastName" class="NormalTextBox" width="250px" maxlength="25">
       <label>Last Name</label>


    The Last Name's code is highlighted in red. The
    ref and <label> tags are much the same as the First Name text box. Now, though, we're assigning the DNN CSS Class of NormalTextBox to the control for styling purposes (the class property), specifying the width of the text box should be 250 pixels (the width property), and restricting the user to entering a maximum of 25 characters (the maxlength property).
  10. Our final control will be a little more complex. We'll create a radio button list where the user can select one of three colors as his/her favorite. Place your cursor after the closing </input> tag for the Last Name text box, select Single Select List and take a look at its tag designer. It's similar to the Text Box designer in that it includes the required Control ID and Label. It also includes properties that are specific to this type of control. Of interest is the Appearance property.  This allows you to specify if the control should be displayed as a Radio Button List, a Drop Down List, or a Single-Select list box. Fill in the designer with the property values you see below.
    Single select tag designer - general settings
  11. Next we'll add our three colors to the list. We do this by selecting List Items from the drop-down list at the top of the designer:

    The List Items panel is now shown:
    Single select list tag designer, list items panel
    On the right side, you'll see image buttons for performing various actions on your list: Changing the order of a selected item (the up and down arrows); adding a new item (the plus sign); editing a selected item (the pencil); and deleting an item from the list (the red X button)
  12. Click the plus image to add a new item. The panel displays two text boxes - one for the item's display text (the text that the user will see) and one for the item's hidden value (a value the user won't see, but that will be saved). The hidden value can be blank, it can be the same as the display text, or it can be put to use by storing the ID of the item or, as we will do, the HTML RGB value of the item. Enter Red for the display text and #FF0000 for the hidden value, as shown below. Then click the Save link.
    List item input panel
  13. Repeat the process for Green (#00FF00) and Blue (#0000FF). When you're done, your panel should look like this:
    List items: red green and blue
  14. Click the Create Tag link, followed by the Format tool and your code should look like this. The new code is highlighted in red.:
     <input ref="FirstName">
       <label>First Name</label>
     <input ref="LastName" width="250px" maxlength="25">
       <label>Last Name</label>
    <select1 ref="FavoriteColor" class="Normal" appearance="full">
       <label>Favorite Color</label>


    The designer has created a <select1> tag. It's called "select1" because the controls it generates allow the user to only select 1 item. By contrast, the tag that generates controls in which the user can select multiple items is simply the <select> tag. Although there's more code here, it's still pretty simple.

    You'll notice our new tag has the
    ref property and the <label> tag, just like our text boxes. But what is that appearance="full" property? We selected "Radio Button List". Well, this is one area where the tag designer really helps. To generate a radio button list (which can take up a lot of screen space), the appearance property's value must be full.  If we wanted a drop-down list, we would set it to minimal (because the drop-down list takes up the minimum amount of space). Finally, if we wanted a single-select list box, we would set it to compact - kind of a happy medium between the radio button list and the drop-down lists.

    Inside the <select1> tag, you'll find our list of colors. We start the list with the <items> tag (notice items is plural) and signify the end of the list with the </items> closing tag. In between, we define as many items as we need for our list. Each item begins with the <item> tag and ends with the </item> closing tag.

    You'll remember that, for each color, we entered the color's name in the Display Text field and the RGB value in the Hidden Value field. That is reflected in the code by the <label> and <value> tags, respectively.


Previewing and Tweaking The Form

The form editor provides another helpful tool for working with your data-entry forms: The Form Preview. To get a good idea of how your form will look, click the Preview tool at the top of the editor. One word of caution, though. Many of the editor's functions are performed on your local machine. This is generally a good thing because it's much quicker than posting data back to the server over and over again. However, if you've spent a lot of time working with your form, your session may have timed-out on you.  If so, DNN will prompt you to login again, and you may lose all your work. If this happens, you may be able to click the Back button on your browser to retrieve your work. To avoid losing your work during a long editing session, copy the contents of the editor before clicking the Preview button.
Preview tool


You should see a view similar to this - our simple form in all its glory. But wait, the First Name text box is a lot shorter than the Last Name text box. Let's tweak our form to make them the same size...:


Simple Form Preview


Click the Close the Preview link to return to the form editor.


Back in the Form Editor, find this code:


<input ref="FirstName">

  <label>First Name</label>



And either edit it or replace it with the following code. All we're doing is setting the width of the First Name text box to the same as the Last Name text box. We're making the rest of the properties match as well.


<input ref="FirstName" width="250px" maxlength="25" class="NormalTextBox">

  <label>First Name</label>



Click the Preview tool and view the results:


Simple form preview 2


At this stage you can close the preview and click the Save Form link to save your changes. Congratulations! You've created your first XMod form.


One Final Note

Now that you've created a form, you should create some templates so you can display the information your form will collect. This is the subject of How Do I Create A Template. That tutorial uses the form we just made as its starting point and makes a great next step in learning more about XMod.


This exercise showed you how to create a form using the most popular XMod controls. These controls have tag designers to make it easy to use. However, there are many more tags available to you. Simply browse through Form Controls section of the help file for all the details. Each tag is described in detail, including its properties as well as examples for how to use them.