
TEMPLATE CONTROL: This tag displays the date the record is scheduled to be displayed.




Name of the CSS Class used to style this field (Optional) [String value]


This attribute allows you to format how the date is presented. The attribute uses most of the standard .NET formatting characters. The most common are listed below:

  • yy Two-digit year

  • yyyy Four-digit year

  • MM Two-digit month

  • MMM Abbreviated month name

  • MMMM Full month name

  • d Day number without preceding "0"

  • dd Two-digit day number

  • hh Two-digit hour (hours are 1-12)

  • HH Two-digit hour (hours are 0-23)

  • mm Two-digit minute

  • ss Two-digit second

  • / Date separator

  • - Date separator

  • : Time separator




Added By: <xmod:user type="add" field="fullname"/> <br>

Story First Shown: <xmod:displaydate format="yyyy-MM-dd" class="Normal" />


The above example would display something like:


Added By: John Doe
Story First Shown: 2004-09-24