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  1. Good Titles: Give your question a concise but informative title. Rather than "Email Forms", use "Sending multiple emails from forms".
  2. Do Your Research: Check out the XMod Pro help file, the XMod Pro Guide on this site, do a search in this Answers forum. Members are friendly and more than happy to help, but it's good etiquette to show you've done your homework.
  3. Is It Answerable? Your question should be practical and answerable. Provide clear and accurate details about your specific problem. Be sure to include all the pertinent information or links to images and examples. 
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Adding hidden comments in a template

Jeff, It sounds like you want to document what a parameter is used for, inside the template. Why not just add an html comment tag next to the parameter? Steve

Author: Jeff M.
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add link parameters

I was really happy to see that the addlink has parameters that should be posted to the add form, so I read lots of different items and tried different things, including this …

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I want to use the value from a Template in a Datalist within the same Module

I have a template and datalist with the same module. I need to use the value of [[RowsToRetrieve]]. I've set the value of a label (lblRows) to said parameter to try and make this easier, and then used a Join statement …

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How to pass jQuery values to a DataCommand

What is the best method to pass the jQuery values calculatedScore, totalQuestionsCorrect and calculatedScoreDate to a template DataCommand that would update the table or pass these values as querystring parameters to a another page for updating the db …

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Template calling parameterized feed within ItemsTemplate

Hi, I've been wrestling with a template cobbled together from examples found here and am looking for a little help getting this concept working. I have a template listing 'parents' and a feed being called from the template which is supposed to list the …

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