I created a form on a page to search for customers, this then redirects to a new page passing the url customerid,
on the new page
I have added multiple templates each reading the url parameter for various sets of information.
each template allows add and edit on this page.
However the first template that includes the main customer information wont allow edit.
In this i created a stored procedure to read the url parameters and give me the data to display from the first seach page.
However I cant now get that template to edit.
can you see an issue?
<ListDataSource CommandText="[PBC_ContactFilter2]" CommandType="StoredProcedure">
<Parameter Name="srchlst" Value='[[Url:srchlst]]' DataType="string" DefaultValue="" />
<Parameter Name="Customerid" Value='[[Url:Customerid]]' DataType="int32" DefaultValue="" />
in the item template to pass the parameter to edit form I have
This url parameter shows at in the address window but nothing displays to edit.
<ScriptBlock BlockType="HeadScript" RegisterOnce="True" ScriptId="KBXM_Style_FRM_CRM_CUST0M">
<style type="text/css">
.xmp-FRM_CRM_CUST0M { padding: 10px 5px 5px 5px; }
.xmp-FRM_CRM_CUST0M .xmp-form-row { margin: 3px; padding: 3px; clear:left;}
.xmp-FRM_CRM_CUST0M label.xmp-form-label, .xmp-FRM_CRM_CUSTIM span.xmp-form-label{ display:block; float:left; width: 120px;text-align: left; margin-right: 5px; }
.xmp-FRM_CRM_CUST0M .xmp-button { margin-right: 5px; }
<SelectCommand CommandText="SELECT Customerid,LastName ,FirstName
FROM [PBC_CustPers] WHERE Customerid=@AID" >
<Parameter Name="AID" Value='[[Url:Cst]]' DataType="int32" />
<SubmitCommand CommandText="UPDATE [PBC_ContactPers]
SET LastName=@LastName, FirstName=@FirstName WHERE Customerid=@Customerid" />
<div><Label CssClass="xmp-form-label NormalBold" For="LastNames1">LastName</Label><TextBox Id="LastNames1" Width="200" Nullable="True" MaxLength="50" DataField="LastName" DataType="string"></TextBox></div>
<div><Label CssClass="xmp-form-label NormalBold" For="FirstNames1">FirstName</Label><TextBox Id="FirstNames1" Width="200" Nullable="True" MaxLength="50" DataField="FirstName" DataType="string"></TextBox></div>
<ValidationSummary CssClass="NormalRed xmp-validation" Id="vsPBC_CustIM"></ValidationSummary><div><Label> </Label><UpdateButton Text="Update"></UpdateButton><CancelButton Text="Cancel" style="margin-left: 12px;" Visible="true"></CancelButton></div>
<TextBox Visible="False" Id="CustomerID" DataField="CustomerID"></TextBox>
Is it because I use Customerid value already on parameter for previous page.